Invite a friend on BeMyEye gives you the opportunity to have people you know experience this service. To thank you, we offer to you and to the friend you sponsor £1.00 on the condition that they complete a mission in store.

People you may sponsor

Only new users can be invited - if your friend already has a BeMyEye account, none of you will benefit from this offer.

Also, you can only invite people that live in the same country as you.

Super sponsorship

Sometimes, you will be able to benefit from a "super sponsorship" offer: if you sponsor someone who completes a mission in store before a specific deadline, you will earn more money.

NB: we will consider reservation date as the date the referee completed the mission.

kevin Tolhurst gives you a £1.00 BeMyEye bonus!

Earn a £1.00 bonus by completing your 1st mission in store: just type the code we26o23 when you subscribe.
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